The Georgetown Police Department implemented a volunteer program in 2005 when it identified a growing need for additional personnel resources to help the department and its officers.  Like many other law enforcement agencies, budgets were tight, and hiring additional police personnel was not feasible. Today, over 125 Volunteers support many community programs, projects, and administrative needs throughout the Department to help free up some of the time officers spend on such tasks, this allows officers to spend more of their time supporting the safety and security of the community.

Volunteers are recruited from graduates of the Georgetown Citizen Police Academy.  The academy is held twice annually, and all citizens of the community are eligible to apply for attendance. Once you have completed the Georgetown Citizen’s Police Academy, and are a resident/citizen of the City of Georgetown, you will be eligible to apply as a Volunteer.

The Department’s Public Safety Volunteer program is run by our Volunteer Program Coordinator, who is responsible for the development of the program’s strategy, maintenance of policies and procedures, recruiting, basic orientation, vetting of all volunteers, ensuring special training is scheduled, collecting and reporting volunteer hours, and general administration of volunteer files.

Volunteers assist the Department in various manners – including handling the logistics of Citizen Police Academies, ferrying squad cars to maintenance facilities, patrolling Georgetown parks, trails, and streets, assisting at major community and special police events, data entry, clerical, and other duties as assigned.

Volunteers are assigned to the following divisions and areas: Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association, Park Rangers, Citizens on Patrol, Front Desk Reception, Records, Fleet Services, Victim Services, Community Resource, and our Chaplain program.

The Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association (CPAAA) is a 501c 3 non-profit responsible for the coordination and fundraising management of major Department programs such as Blue Santa, K-9 division, Junior Police Academy, and others.

Victim Services volunteers respond to calls from police dispatch to assist on the scene during times of crisis.  When officers request assistance with people in need, these volunteers respond whether the incident is of a criminal or non-criminal nature.

Park Rangers conduct routine patrols of the City’s parks, report any violations of law or City Ordinance to the Department, and provide assistance as needed to citizens and park-goers.

Georgetown Citizens on Patrol conducts patrols throughout the city, supports Police Officers when needed, and helps with major events within Georgetown.

Front Desk Reception Volunteers assist walk-in customers in various ways, and Records Assistants provide clerical support to the Records Section employees.

Fleet Maintenance Volunteers assist patrol officers by ferrying cars to standard maintenance locations and keeping the motor pool in good running condition.

Volunteers report to the supervisor of the unit, section, or division to which they are assigned for the purpose of those tasks being performed.

The Public Safety Volunteer program reports to the Community Resource Division.

Lt. Matt Robey the Community Resource Division. Officers Cesar Salinas and Trey Walters are our Community Resource Officers reporting to Lt. Robey.  Together, they oversee all community programs and help the Public Safety Volunteers, Citizens on Patrol, and Park Ranger Volunteers stay busy throughout the year.

For more information about our Georgetown Public Safety Volunteer program contact:

Dennis Barbeau Public Safety Volunteer Coordinator



Apply to be a volunteer


A link to the online application form will appear here after each academy’s graduation.

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